
…it’s me. I was wondering if after all this time you’d like to read… some more of my adventurous adventures in London?

I know. It’s been a long time since I last updated this blog but now, almost a year after I first arrived in London, I keep thinking back to all the things I did and all the incredibulously ridiculous things that happened and I kinda want to share them with you. Maybe London things, maybe other things… And maybe I’ll rename the site as well. Something like „How to Survive In…“ or „Annie’s Amazing Life Hacks“ or how about „Survival Tips from a Flamingo“? „What Happens When a Nerd Girl Leaves Her Room“? (Ideas?)

Anniehow. I’ll leave this here for you to discuss. (Awkward silence. Weed tumbling. Almost like the reaction to my lecturer’s questions.)

Any more witty blog title ideas? Any life hacks to share? Comment below. Bye!

Day… something.

Yes, I am still alive! (Does anyone even still read this? Probably not. Anyway.)
SO MUCH happened since I was last here, so that I will probably have to do weekwise posts. Anyway, more later. Just letting you know that MEETING BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH has not deadded me (Yes, I am aware that this word is wrong on so many levels. It’s a Sherlock quote.) and that I will be back this weekend to get you up-to-date!
So, have a nice rest of the week and hopefully see you soon!

Day 12

Guess who’s back: Me! And I have nothing to tell!

No seriously, I don’t feel like I have done anything today. I’ve slept until 11am, complained about English chocolate, complained about English weather, decided to get lunch and went out. My host family’s grandson had apparently been here, which I had slept through (do Britons even sleep? When do they get up, for heaven’s sake?).

I then met with a friend at the worst place to meet ever: Oxford Circus. It was crowded, packed and full of people, all at the same time! I tried and sent her a picture of my view, a sign indicating the Underground station, but we still failed to find each other at first because the sign was kind of on every corner, which I didn’t realise. So

Survival-Tip No. 26: Don’t ever try to meet someone at Oxford Circus. You will never find them.

We then went to Starbucks to discuss the next three days, which we at first had wanted to spend in Dublin but had to call off due to lack of motivation to book a ticket and exploding prices thanks to Easter holiday. We spent like two hours researching and planning until we’d settled for our day trips, then we went home again. And that was all. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting (I’m giving my best here okay?).

Well, see you tomorrow, after a long day in Cambridge!

Had a more interesting day than me? Want to complain about English Chocolate? Left your food standing next to a reading girl on Oxford Circus (That was me by the way, hello!)?
Comment below!

Day 11

Me again!
me again

I wanted to make one post out of this but then figured I had so much to tell that I should just separate it into two posts… So here you are, today’s post!

It was only when I arrived in school this morning that I heard about the underground fire. Apparently, yesterday at 4pm or something a fire started right outside of the Holborn tube station, which is only minutes away from my school. They had to evacuate the whole station and turn off the electricity in the whole block because some cable had caught fire. And because it was so difficult to reach the underground tunnel, it still hadn’t been put out at 9pm this morning.

Underground fire at Holborn station: you can see the flames shooting out of a hole in the ground! (Pictures not by me but randomly taken from google.)
Underground fire at Holborn station: you can see the flames shooting out of a hole in the ground! (Pictures not by me but randomly taken from google.)
I think in the meantime they managed to kindle the flames. It’s still gonna cost them loads of money though. What a time to live in London… (Warning: that was meant to be cynical.)
Anyway. After yesterday’s humiliation I had no idea how I was gonna survive the day, so I went to get tea at Starbucks, because if there’s one thing I can rely on when it comes to relaxing my brain, it is tea. And that’s what I discouvered:

Survival-Tip No. 24: Not only are you not able to use your home countrey’s Starbucks card, in England you also have to pay with your card to earn a star instead of just running it through the register and pay with cash. UNCOOL, STARBUCKS! So that’s quite different. Bad different.

With my tea but without a star on my Rewards-account I went to class, careful not to drop the cup on anyone’s head today. And I got by (with a little help from my friends).
After class, my two friends and me left immediatly for the Tower of London, so today we would have more time and actually be able to see something. And again, we got on the wrong train. So you see, getting lost in London is quite easy (don’t worry, you’ll master it in no time!). So again, the journey took us a full hour.

Before we went in, we had Fish’n’Chips right in front of the Tower, and wow, that was… unexpected. Unexpected, but good unexpected.

Survival-Tip No. 25: When Britons say Fish’n’Chips, they actually mean „a fish and chips“. What I expected to be several fish fingers turned out to be a whole fish in one piece!

Then, finally, we entered the Tower, just in time for a guided tour to start. Normally, I’m against going on guided tours. I hate being a complete tourist, craning my neck at everything, shooting photographs in concentration and blocking everyone’s way because the group is just so big. But this tour was really great! The guide was funny, wore a funny costume (Sorry, uniform) and entertained us with wordplay and dark humour while he threw facts at our heads. I was not once bored.
We saw a lot of great stuff in there, the crown jewels, the bloody tower and its creepy story, a great deal of arms and armours, and it was really worth spending almost three hours in there. Y’all should totally go visit the Tower the next time you’re in London!

Now, because I’m losing my concentration I will stop writing and hope this post does still look good to me when I reread it tomorrow morning…
Sleep well and see you soon!

Hated the Tower of London? Heard about the Holborn fire? Random thought you want to share?
Comment below!

Day 10

So here I am again!
Did you have a lovely April’s Fool day? Got pranked? I didn’t, fortunately. Unless you count my life. That’s pretty much a joke. Think I’m being self-ironic again? Well this post might just change your mind.

So the day began quite okay. I made it out of the house and to school without having a near-death experience and I even was on time. It wasn’t even until one of my fellow students mentioned it that I remembered it was 1st of April. So when our teacher showed up with the fake letter from Cambridge, I.. still almost believed it:
It was a really good one though. Our teacher clearly has too much time. (He also told us about previous pranks like a fake drug test supposedly demanded by Cambridge some years ago when 1st April happened to be the first school day…).
Anyway, that was not the weirdest part of yesterday. No, for those who know me and my special abilities to embarrass myself will know that it was just too good to be true that after 10 days I still had a somewhat good reputation. So it basically started by our teacher introducing the subject of relationships and how to respond to the usual inquiry about your nonexisting boyfriend. In which context I might have mentioned that recently my mum felt obliged to tell me that it would be fine if I was a lesbian, she’d still love me, just so I knew (Yes. That’s how far away I am from having a boyfriend). And of course all of the other discussion groups decided in that precise moment to stop talking and well… let’s just say the teacher laughed the loudest. Awkward!

Survival-Tip No. 21: Don’t tell anecdotes in class. Just don’t.

And as if that hadn’t been enough when class was finally over and we were waiting in the hallway for some students who were lagging behind, the subject came up again. Now picture me, holding my friend’s cup of coffe because she’d had to use the bathroom, my own almost empty cup of tea stacked on top, standing just a bit too close to the classroom door. The guy next to me just closed his mout from telling me „Well, you ARE a bit crazy so..“ When a student bumped into me from behind, sending my empty cup of tea flying through the hallway with a mid-air flip – and right on top of my classmate’s head, remaining drops of tea spilling on his jacket and hair. Apart from the fact that this literally happened this way and I have four people who can confirm the mid-air flip, this was probably the most mortifying thing that ever happened to me and the main reason why I’ve decided to go and live in a cave.

Survival-Tip No. 22: Don’t ever stack coffee cups. Not even if they’re empty. Because they never completely are. Never.

Now after this absolutely horrifying morning two of my classmates (none of which had been present during the tea-incident) and me decided to go to the Tower of London. But we never got there.
We went to have some lunch at Costa (GREAT alternative to Starbucks: fantastic chicken wraps and they serve their Hot Chocolate with marshmallows!) and then decided to ignore Rule No. 12 once again and take a Bus to Temple Hill instead of the tube. And we would’ve been perfectly fine – if the bus had turned up. Instead we spent almost half an hour waiting at the stop, watching buses stop and leave again, all except the one bus we wanted to take. So at some point we just got on a random bus and rode to St. Pauls.

Our journey: Holborn - St. Pauls - Bank - Monument - Cannon Street - Temple Hill
Our journey: Holborn – St. Pauls – Bank – Monument – Cannon Street – Temple Hill

From there, we figured, we’d take the Central Line to Bank and would then take either the Circle or the District line. What we didn’t know is that the Circle and District Line do not actually stop at Bank, even though the white circles are intertwined. So we got off the train and followed the signs climbing down one, then two, then three escalators, walking around bends, down some stairs, more bends, up some stairs, more bends, one escalator up, at least ten minutes and all the way through hallways looking like the inside of an astronaut training center, until we reached the desired platforms and realized that we had walked an entire station underground! We had arrived in Monument.

Survival-Tip No. 23: Changing trains at stations with intertwined white dots can take you ages and lead you to places you’d never think you’d ever see (Also it can feel like the government is trying to trap you into an underground research lab). The Tube tunnels are a f*cking maze you don’t want to run through. Better avoid when in a hurry.
But that was not the end of our oddyssey. We might have found the station, but we still ended up taking the wrong train and going westwards instead of eastwards, although the sign had clearly pointed onto that platform… So we got out at the next station to take the next train back and, after almost 90minutes of travelling, reached the Tower of London at 3.30pm. With the Tower closing at 4.30pm, we didn’t want to waste our ticket on one hour, so we decided to go the next day and simply went home. After all, we had an essay due (The one whose fault it is that I didn’t post yesterday. God that was a plague writing!). Sadly, that had not been a joke.
And that was all that happened on 1st April.

Have been pranked? Made a fool out of yourself (like me)? Or just some other thing to say?
Comment below!

Day 10

Welcome back!
Here we go again for a daily blogpost!

April’s fools, I’m way too tired. I had to write my first essay for class and because of that I was too unmotivated to feed you with more of my so interesting life here. Bummer. Today would’ve been a post! Anyway, I’ll return tomorrow with a double-lenght post. Until then, please enjoy this amazing haiku:

Haikus are easy
But somethimes they don’t make sense

Great piece of art, isn’t it? No? Well then.
Until tomorrow!

Day 8&9

Guess who’s back!
And I still O U a blogpost about yesterday, so here you go, another extra-long post!


I was astonishingly not-tired after that exciting weekend (then again, I’d slept 13 hours on Saturday/Sunday). Which did not mean I brought myself to get up. Nope. I got up at exactly 7.26am, which leaves me with 4 minutes to get dressed and all before at 7.30 my breakfast would await me. How I managed to get ready in 4 minutes? Simple. I didn’t. Which left me with exactly five minutes to eat my toast with orange marmelade before hurrying to catch the tube.
Now I have already expressed my feelings towards packed tube stations at morning, haven’t I? Guess what tops it: When you get on a tube, assuming it would ride to Morden (via Bank), as it says on the platform and the car itself, only to find out just one stop after it left the Bank branch that – this is your driver speaking, we apologize for this confusion – it actually rides to Kensington (via Charing Cross) and you’re on the bloody wrong train. Thanks a lot. (I WILL NEVER TRUST YOU AGAIN!)
How I, after this confusion, still managed to get to school in time must be a minor wonder.

We had a new teacher today, our original teacher who had been on holiday the previous week. She’s called Jackie and really nice, and she actually finally blesses us homework (I’d never thought I’d ever be so happy about that!). I kinda miss our substitute teacher though, he’d been refreshingly sarcastic… Anyway.

In the afternoon my friend and me went shopping. That is, we went to Covent Garden with the intention to shop but ended up buying nothing. Even though I’d wanted to finally buy the awesome trenchcoat I’d found in MANGO back home before I got here. But:

Survival Tip No. 18: You know how they tell you everything is cheaper abroad when you’re living in Switzerland? Yeah that’s a lie. For the first time (in foreveeeeer… what? No Frozen songs? Okay bye…) I found a shop that is actually cheaper in Switzerland! And I deliberately hadn’t bought it when I first saw it, thinking it would probably be less expensive in England! Needless to say that I was not amused. So I decided to ring my mum and ask her if she could maybe buy and bring me that awesome coat. (SPOILER: She couldn’t. I went back today and bought it. For more money. Hmpf.)

But that wasn’t the only unpleasant surprise that awaited me today. I came home, casually, cluelessly, just to find out that the creepy painting of butterflies I had in my room actually wasn’t a painting. My host family put up two pictures with actual, crispy dried dead butterflies.
(To the people who don’t know: I am absolutely terrified to death by butterflies and moths, including dead ones and even pictures. This is called Lepidopteraphobia. I would add a link but that would require me to google butterflies. If you want to know why I think they’re creepy feel free to google two things: „Monarch butterfly tree Mexico“ and „Butterflies that look like owls“ You’re welcome.)

So here’s my Survival Tip No. 19 that has actually nothing to do with London but it needed to be said: Butterflies are evil. Don’t trust them.

With these words of advice, I end my Monday post.


The first thing I did this morning was set a new record of getting up late: 7.27am. I then proceeded to establish another record: leaving the house as if I’d already gotten up at 7.15. I still almost got late because I took the wrong train again and ended up at the same place as yesterday, only today I once again tried to catch a bus instead of just walking. I should really keep to my own rules.

Speaking of bus stops – you know what is hard to find in London, too? A post office. My friend wanted to post a card for her family in Brazil, so we asked at our school where we would find the next post office. Just around the corner, they said. So we went around the corner to find… nothing. Except an architectical prank of a building site and a grumpy man who sent us across the street. So we went across the street to find… nothing. Except a shady tourist souvenir shop and a grumpy man inside who sent us „two street to the left“. So we went down the 2nd street on the left to find… can you predict it? Nothing again. At that point, we started to get a teensy tiny bit annoyed and finally did what any sensible teenager had done all along: We googled „post office london“. Only to find… that it was just around the corner. (You guessed nothing, didn’t you? Gotcha.) Long story short:

Survival Tip No. 20: If you’re looking for a specific place, don’t ask locals. They most likely haven’t got a clue either. Just google it. And maybe keep your location, no matter how good your sense of orientation is. It’s London. Orientation is on holiday here.

Apart from that, today was very eventless. I went to buy the jacket (see Monday post), then I decided to go home to study – and actually did that.

So that is where I leave you so I can go and stare in horror at the crispy butterflies pinned to my bedroom walls and hope they won’t come to life and slice me into pieces (see what I did there? Butterfly? No? Okay).
Please excuse my hackneyed jokes and frightful attempts at being funny, I’m simply too tired to write a normal blogpost. Maybe come back tomorrow, I might post something with content…

Also getting up later and later every day? Fellow lepidopteraphobic? Still think I’m not funny?
Comment below! (Except if the comment includes butterfly pictures. Then keep them to yourself or I will come and kill you in your sleep.)

Day 5, 6 & 7

I haven’t been on in a long time! Sorry about that, I was really busy and then I was really tired from being busy and then I was tired from being tired so… you get my point. So since I have three days to tell you about, this is gonna be extra long.


Friday at last. Which means I have successfully made it through the first week. Well, almost. There is still this one frightful event of the week lying ahead – the Pub Crawl. I’m not really the type for going to pubs, but I’ve been talked over by my classmates to at least try to be social and join them, they’d be there to look after me and it was an official school event after all! Even the teachers would be there. So I agreed to go. And stumbled over the first problem: What on earth do you wear to a pub crawl?
For the ones of you who don’t know what a pub crawl is: It is a selection of three or more pubs you go to with your group or, in our case, your school. The difference between going out and going on a pub crawl is just that you don’t have to dress up so much (At least that’s what I’ve been told, I’m a nerd, I don’t have a social life or a clue about how to behave outside of my room).
Anyway, so I decided to go and found my way to the first station, thanks to Google Maps. And guess what: All the guys from my class who had urged me to come, who said they would make me familiar with pubbing (or how the hell you call that), they did not show up. Plus it was too loud anyway to talk to anybody. So I spent an entire hour in that stupid pub trying not to look too alone while exchanging awkward glances with the only person I recognized – our headmaster. God, was I relieved when we were to leave the first pub and go to station no. 2! Which was so much nicer than the previous pub too. It wasn’t half as loud and they televised England-Lithuania, so everyone was in a really good mood and I even had a distraction and didn’t seem completely alone until one of my new friends finally turned up to keep me company. The rest of the class was nowhere to be found for the whole evening. So:

Survival Tip No. 15: DO NOT go to a pub crawl alone. It’s really awkward. Be sure to meet at least one person at a certain time before the pub, so you know for sure you won’t be ditched.

The evening was in fact so boring that we decided to go home at 11. Not what normal people would call a successful night, I guess. But I didn’t really mind because I had to get up early on Sathurday anyway…


I got up at 4am (I DID say I had to get early, but you didn’t expect that, did you?) to get tickets for „A View from the Bridge“, an amazing theatre by Arthur Miller that had been playing the last few months and was now in his last weeks and completely sold out. That is, except for the box office, where you could get daily tickets starting at 10am.
So I had to go and find the bus stop as the tube wasn’t running at that time of night, and hope the bus would take me anywhere near Leicester Square, which I successfully mastered in the middle of the night. (Fun fact though: The night buses do not – like the Knight Bus in Harry Potter suggests – have actual beds in them. My life is a lie!)
Now, I know what you’re thinking; „If the box office opens at 10am, why did she go there at 5am already?“ The simple answer to that is: I did not understand what the ticket office guy tried to tell me when he said to come back the next day at 6am. He meant that that was the time the first and most obsessive people would start queuing. Not, like I thought, that the ticket office would actually open at that time. Oops.
Anyway, so I got up at 4am and took the night bus to Leicester Square only to discouver upon my arrival that the box office opened at 10am and that there was literally no one except me mad enough to queue 5 hours. So I did what every sensible person would have done: I decided to have tea in the café opposite the theatre so I’d see when the first person would arrive. Unfortunately I never made it that far.
As soon as I got across the street, some random guy started talking to me, asking me where I was from and what I was doing here, which I answered as evasive as possible while desperately trying to think of a way to get rid of him as soon as possible, in which I miserably failed.

Survival Tip No. 16: Don’t under any circumstances go to Leicester Square alone at 5am on a Saturday morning. Chances that you’re being chat up by someone are 99.9%.

The story ended when I told him my friend (who had initially wanted to keep me company while queuing but then felt sick and stayed home) was waiting for me so I’d have to go like immediatly and I finally got rid of him, not without him asking me the boyfriend-question though.

Survival Tip No. 17: Also don’t go anywhere in London without a baseball bat. You’ll find it very useful in keeping off the weirdos.

That survived (though it ruined me for ever being friendly to a person again), I found my place at the back of the queue that now consisted of 6 people and waited. And waited. And waited. I was really glad I’d brought my book to read, but there was something I had forgotten…

Survival Tip No. 18: Before you go queuing somewhere – and you certainly will at one point – DO NOT forget to pee. Because if you do, your bladder will most definitely explode.
Yeah. No more words needed.
When I had finally gotten my tickets (The last ones for the evening show!) I rushed to the nearest Starbucks to use the bathroom, then I went home to sleep until the play would start.

The play was absolutely amazing. I could hold you up with an eulogy on Arthur Miller’s works forever, but I will try to keep this short: I’d read the play while queuing outside, and I hadn’t expected it to be very close to the original, like plays (at least when you watch them in the Schauspielhaus Zurich) always are, so I was astonished to find the play almost as I’d imagined it while reading, only ten times better. The actors and especially Mark Strong as Eddie were amazing, and it kind of left me speechless. I did not for a single second regret getting up at 4am for this, it was totally worth it!

Mark Strong as Eddie in "A View From the Bridge"
Mark Strong as Eddie in „A View From the Bridge“

After the play, my friend and me went to get some Bubble Tea and managed to almost get lost in Chinatown (what a surprise, but bless Google Maps!), then we decided to call it a night and went home.


I didn’t really do anything on Sunday. I was so tired from the previous night of not-sleeping that I actually slept until 3pm, with some short periods of being half-awake at approximately 7am and 11am. I would probably have stayed in bed all day hadn’t I been hungry and thirsty and not allowed to use my host family’s kitchen, so I reluctantly got up and went out looking for food at King’s Cross St. Pancras. (Did you know there is no place where you can actually buy pizza at that train station? Like hello??)
That’s literally all I did.

So that’s basically what happened that first weekend in London.
See you tomorrow for Monday and Tuesday post!

Did you miss me? Want to hear my eulogy about Arthur Miller’s work? Got the Sherlock reference I made one sentence ago?
Comment below!

Day 4

Hello again! Welcome back to another day of… stuff.

Be warned, today’s post is going to be a huge ode to Geekdom, so if you’re not into fandoms or think I’m obsessed… come back tomorrow. Have a lovely day!

Today was International Food Day at our school, which means a lot of teacher and students had cooked special food from different countries and sold them in the cafeteria. The money goes to some sort of charity whose name I forgot (oh well) but it was really cool and delicious! I had Moroccan Lentil Stew with Couscous for lunch and chinese coconut cake for dessert. Yummy!

Also, today I learned that buses in London are a complete mess. If you thought getting on and off the Tube at peak times was a struggle, don’t even think about taking a bus.

Survival Tip No. 12: If you want to get on a bus in Central London, think again: you don’t. Tubes will bring you there faster, even if you have to change 5 times.
Except maybe if you’re on Oxford Street.
Anyway: Today I had this appointment quite near the Tube Station at Tottenham Court Road. With my school being at Holborn (where you would have a direct connection if the Central Line was running normal but of course it doesn’t!) I figured I could just take a bus instead of getting on the Picadilly Line to Leicester Square to change onto the Northern Line (see picture below for better understanding) – and I ended up walking. Why: Holborn has about 347847847 different buses, and also 38467437 different bus stops. There’s terminal M, N, O, P, X, Q, 007, KS-23 and A318, Triple X and whatnot, and the one bus you want to take only stops at the only terminal you literally can’t find anywhere. So long story short; I walked and was about 15 minutes late. @%&#*£§ buses!

Tube map of Central London
Tube map of Central London

Moving on. (Not in a bus though) Remember my 5 minutes of fame on Tuesday when I had to sign the contract because they caught me on camera while filming Jessie J? I had another five minutes yesterday when I got stopped by a woman who offered me a FREE haircut by one of the apprentices at the Tony&Guy Academy for Hairdressers. So today I basically became a hair model. (Due to a mailbox overflowing with fan mail requests of autographs will no longer be processed. Just kidding. Leave a comment.) And I’m really happy with my haircut! You guys should totally check this school out when you get here, maybe they’re having another exam week and you can get your hair cut for free!

And last but not least, here comes the promised geekery: Today I went to Forbidden Planet.
Survival Tip No. 13: If you’re planning on going to Forbidden Planet, leave your money at home. It will prevent you from buying the whole store. Which you will want to because you walked in there for a reason.

Let me just give you a short impression on what Forbidden Planet sells:



So yeah, I was basically in nerd heaven today. An experience which I can only recommend to you. This shop is just amazing! What I bought: a Classic Who DVD (The Aztecs; William Hartnell, Matt Smith’s Sonic Screwdriver, a Hogwarts tote bag, an Undesirable No. 1- and a Mockingjay Part 1-poster. But it certainly wasn’t my last visit…
Concerning DVD’s I have another tip:

Survival Tip No. 14: DVD’s are cheapest in stores called Fopp (http://www.fopp.com/“) or Cex (https://uk.webuy.com/stores/), if you’re into Doctor Who or whatever better buy them in shops like these than pay twice the prices at BBC Shop or other special fan stores.

That’s all for today, I have a long day before me tomorrow and should go to sleep.

Too much geekery? Actually do want to request an autograph? Know some interesting recipes from New Guinea I should try? Comment below!

Day 3

Welcome back!

It’s day 3 now and I’m starting to find my way in this big mess of a city. I’m not even that tired anymore after I went to bed at 9pm yesterday. Guess a busy city keeps your mind busy…

We didn’t do much today, so this is going to be a rather short entry. We had lunch at an amazing vegetarian restaurant just around the corner of our school called „MW Vegetarian Café“ (link: http://www.allinlondon.co.uk/directory/1150/119638.php) and then just wandered around in the local Bronswick shopping centre. My one task for the day was to find a plug adapter that would allow me to charge my laptop because the one I’d taken with me had a different grounding (or something like that, unfortunately I’m not an electrician and have no clue what I’m actually talking about. Anyway.). So one more thing I can tell you is:

Survival Tip No. 10: DO NOT FORGET to bring multiple plug adapters with you and check if they really do work with all of your plugs.
It’s almost impossible to find them, I found one by accident in a tourist shop and it doesn’t even fit properly but oh well, I can charge my laptop.

After we finally found one, we decided to check out the British Museum because for one thing, it has an incredibly huge collection of anything really and also it’s inside and not that cold. And I can just say, we did not expect what we actually saw there.

The Rosetta Stone!
The Rosetta Stone!

Survival Tip No. 11: If it’s raining, pay a visit to the British Museum. It has an amazing collection (of, how my teacher puts it, all the stuff the British stole from other countries), and DUDE IT’s FREE.
There are special exhibitions you do have to pay for but you won’t even get there in one day, the museum is so huge! We’ve only casually walked through the Egyptian and Assyrian part and I don’t feel like I’ve really seen something yet, I’m definitely coming back to have a really close look at the Rosetta Stone and the murals of Nineveh and all the greek pottery… It’s just an amazing cultural richess this place has to show.

After that, we decided to go to a pub to get something to eat and drink and just sit down. And let me just tell you that pub food may be more expensive than other restaurants, but I daresay it’s almost the best food you can get. Most pubs serve great Steak&Ale Pie, the classic Fish’n’Chips or just some delicious garlic bread with your food. If you want to try some real (and also delicious) English food, best go to the next pub.

That’s it for today, come back tomorrow when I’m hopefully less tired and will have the nerve to write more…

Also struggling? Don’t think I’m funny? Did I accindentally push you out of the tube during peak hours? (If the latter: sorry about that, I’m new.) Comment below for your opinion!